Celebrating 10 Years Of Message South Africa
This week we get to celebrate Message South Africa’s 10th birthday! Can you believe it’s already 10 years of mission across the country? Find out what’s been happening.
Read MoreThis week we get to celebrate Message South Africa’s 10th birthday! Can you believe it’s already 10 years of mission across the country? Find out what’s been happening.
Read MoreDaniel and the team have been growing Message Brazil for the last six months, and as they’ve been speaking to people, they’ve seen lots of doors open in schools across the region.
Read MoreWir hatten zum Schulabschluss die wundervolle Möglichkeit, mit unserem Team, die Abschlussandacht der Fels-Schule in Limbach auszugestalten. Mit unseren Songs, Zeugnissen und einem Input durften wir der Gesamten Schule zum Start in die Ferien, die Botschaft von unserem Herrn teilen.
Read More‘I have never been in a church, but we were invited to this concert at school. I heard the gospel and now I want to follow Jesus because the Christian faith looks fantastic!’
This was just one of the comments we heard from young people who came to our evangelistic gig in Haarlem, The Netherlands, last Friday.
Read MoreSeit kurzem gehen wir einmal im Monat in die Leukersdorf-Schule, um dort einen Musikproduktionsworkshop auszugestalten. In unserer Gruppe sind Jugendliche im Alter von 11-16 Jahren, und gemeinsam schreiben wir Texte, nehmen Lieder auf und sind kreativ.
Read MoreMessage South Africa recently had an epic week of mission in Kewtown (Cape Town) and saw 60 young people respond to the gospel!
Read More‘I came to the event struggling with depression and without hope. But after the team prayed for me, my heart was filled with joy and hope and I know God has given me a new life.’
Read Astrid’s story as she came along to a Message Germany prayer and worship night.
Read MoreAs we partner with some incredible people across the globe who want to reach their own nations with the gospel, we’re launching more international hubs!
Read MoreMessage South Africa have had a busy season of mission and they’re having incredible opportunities to keep sharing the hope of Jesus.
Read MoreLast week, Message Germany ran their Hope Camp, and what a week it was as young people got stuck into dance, music production and drum workshops.
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