Message South Africa have had a busy season of mission and they’re having incredible opportunities to keep sharing the hope of Jesus.
In Manenberg (Cape Town), an area known for gangsterism, and drug and alcohol abuse, the team spent a week out on mission prayer walking and sharing about Jesus.
Rounding off the week, the team hosted a gospel-packed gig where they invited young people they’d met in school and in the community along to hear music, testimonies and more about the hope of Jesus. As the gospel was shared from the stage, 40 young people responded and accepted Jesus into their lives!
Off the back of the mission, one church partner said, ‘I’m amazed at the young people’s response. Many, until now, have been hesitant coming to church but they came to services on Sunday, so this feels like a huge breakthrough!’
As well as this mission in Manenberg, the team have also got the opportunity to take the truth-filled lessons to young people in Kensington (Cape Town). By connecting with a brand-new school, they’ll get to deliver sessions to over 600 students over the next four weeks. Do be praying that the young people engage well with the lessons and want to learn more about the hope we find in Jesus.