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Reaching Schools In Brazil

It’s six months since Message Brazil launched and what a time it’s been. As they’ve built relationships, God’s been opening up doors for Daniel’s seen doors into schools start to open up across the region.

Since day one, The Message’s heart has been for reaching young people, and we’ve been doing that day in, day out for over 30 years. As we run lessons and assemblies that equip young people to make positive choices, we us the opportunities to share the good news of Jesus with them and give them a chance to respond. This is the exact same heart of Message Brazil. But one of the first things Daniel was told was how hard it would be to get into state schools to teach and share gospel-focused music. But God’s done the opposite, and doors have continued to open! 

During his first few months in Brazil, Daniel got to go into a local school to teach lessons on identity and perform music to the young people, and as part of the session was able to share the gospel. There and then, 11 young people responded to what they heard in the school lesson! 

They’ve since Daniel’s met up with a number of school heads, who’ve wanted to sign up to a school’s week straight away. One of those he met up with was the director of a big state school. A meeting that should not have happened, but God made possible. 

As Daniel explained what The Message did, how school’s weeks work, and our heart to tell young people how loved they are by Jesus, the director surprised them by saying ‘That’s 100% totally feasible. I’m assuming you want to be in front of as many young people as possible so that they can come to the gig where you’ll share the gospel? I know someone who could help’.

Half an hour later, Daniel and the team were in a meeting telling pitching the schools tour a Director of Education, who is responsible for state schools across a number of cities. As she listened, she kept asking questions and wanted to know more. At the end of the meeting, she told the team that she was more than happy to recommend Message Brazil. With the school year about to start in Brazil we can’t wait to see what God’s going to do next.