Introducing Message Brazil
Daniel Eduardo and his wife Emily are about to set out on a new adventure with The Message and launch Message Brazil. We caught up with them to find out more and hear about how God’s been speaking to them.
Brazil, wow that’s quite a move!
Daniel: It really is for both of us! Leaving our home and families to move halfway around the world, to a different hemisphere, is exciting and daunting in equal measure. But as Emily says, ‘we’re not called to be comfortable’ and it’s a move that God’s shown us time and again that he wants us to make. The ways he’s done this, and the doors he’s still opening, is staggering.
So why Brazil?
Emily: We both always felt God had a new adventure for us but weren’t sure if this would be here in the UK or internationally. Then back in 2019, he started putting Brazil on our hearts, and through this and a lot of other conversations and circumstances, we started to wonder if he was calling us there. So we decided to visit. And when we got there, he broke our hearts for the people and the place.
When you picture Brazil, it’s easy to think it’s all beaches and the Insta-perfect life, but scratch beneath the surface and head into the favelas and it’s a different story. Drugs are all around, boys carry guns and lawlessness rules in places. It’s here we’re feeling called to. The place people try to get away from. God’s been so good providing us with connections and people we can work with, opening up opportunities for mission and even giving me an amazing teaching job. We can’t wait to see what he’s going to do next.
What’s Message Brazil going to be doing?
Daniel: Based in Rio de Janeiro, we’re going to be starting with creative mission and partnering with churches to go into schools in the city, showing kids they’re not forgotten and that they’re loved by Jesus. We’re also both really excited about how we can impact the lives of women and young people in the favelas with the gospel.
From there who knows? God does! We’d love to explore enterprise, helping people break free of lives of crime and gangs, and I have a real heart to see how Eden could impact what’s going to be our home town. Imagine Eden in a favela, it’s so exciting!
But none of this is just going to be about The Message. It’s all about partnership and working together with local churches to impact lives with the gospel.
Emily: I can’t wait to see what God’s going to do.