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God Directing Our Steps

We love nothing more than seeing men and women empowered and equipped to share the gospel. And as the work of Advance continues to grow, we’re hearing more stories of how God is doing this across the world.

We recently got the opportunity to launch Advance Groups into Angola and it was amazing to see how God guided us to do this. Until recently, we didn’t have any connections with people in Angola to start new Advance Groups but this changed a couple of weeks ago when one pastor, Victor, in Angola turned up to his church as normal one Sunday, only to find that he was being released from his role.

His senior pastor had been praying and waiting on God and felt like Victor should leave his role with the church because God was going to do a new thing that would encourage and resource evangelism in Angola. Not knowing any of this, the very next day, Advance team member Albert rang Victor to share with him about how Advance is a tool to equip people in evangelism and to chat with Victor whether he’d be interested in getting involved.

Victor started laughing on the phone and told Albert that God must have sent him so he was in! Since then, Victor has become our Advance Ambassador for Angola and has helped us in running an Advance Conference we recently held in Angola where over 100 pastors from across the country came to learn about how they can use the Advance materials to encourage and resource their churches in evangelism.

Before this, many churches across Angola struggled with unity, often focusing on the differences between themselves, rather than coming together to joint mission. But as Victor invited a few friends from local churches to his Advance group, something incredible started to happen. More people felt encouraged to share the gospel and grew in faith to see God move in the lives of those around them. Plus, the churches started to grow in size as people found out about Jesus and wanted to know more. The difficulties the churches had with unity started to fade away as they came together in their evangelism. It’s amazing to see how Advance is playing a part in equipping the church and seeing God transform lives.


Would you like to be encouraged in your evangelism? Why not join an Advance Group where you are? Find out more at advancegroups.org/join-a-group