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Encouraging Everyday Evangelism

Advance Groups are all about equipping each of us to use everyday opportunities to share the good news of Jesus. As men and women around the world gather together to press into the Bible and cheer each other on in their evangelism, we’re seeing lives transformed. We caught up with our Advance team to hear stories of members stepping out in faith and we hope you’re as encouraged as we are!

Isaac is our Advance Ambassador in Uganda. Recently he was in Kyanamukaaka, with a local pastor chatting with two ladies and sharing the gospel with them. As they got to know them and shared about the love and hope Jesus offers, both of them decided to give their lives to God and are now getting plugged into the local church!

And it’s not just in Uganda we’re seeing lives transformed as people step out. In Germany, Mary, one of the first people to join an Advance Group there, went up to her group leader after just a few sessions and said about how excited she was to share the gospel! ‘Advance has helped me learn so much more about who God is, and I’ve been really inspired to go out and share my faith with those around me, ’she shared ‘I’ve never seen myself as an evangelist, but I’ve been set on fire for Jesus and want everyone around me to know about him.’

Just a few weeks later, Mary got chatting to a guy whilst she was on holiday and as they talked, she decided to step out and share about Jesus. It turns out that this lad had grown up a Christian but had walked away from his faith but after hearing about Jesus again, he was inspired and encouraged to go back to church and explore more about who God really is!

Here in the UK, one Advance Group member, Lily was chatting with a lady in a café about Jesus when another women approached them saying ‘I’m Jewish but I’ve been listening to your conversation and I think it’s time for me to accept this Jesus as my Messiah!’ Lily grabbed the opportunity to pray with her and the lady gave her life to Jesus there and then in the café.


Want to see this happen in your life too? Why not be part of an Advance Group to encourage and equip you in your own everyday evangelism? Find out more at advancegroups.org