‘We gave an opportunity for anyone who wanted to see God move in their life to come for prayer and half of the room came forward.’
In October 2019, mission team Amongst Wolves travelled to Mikołow in Poland as part of the EXIT Tour. During the week they visited schools, youth groups and then performed an evangelistic gig. Every day the team had opportunities to share the gospel and saw God move in amazing ways among the young people they were working with.
‘We met Anna* when we visited her school early in the week’ shares Dan Jenkins, Amongst Wolves lead singer. ‘Every night, she came along to the youth club we were helping to run and listened as we shared our testimonies.’ On the evening before the gig, the team shared times where God has performed miracles and demonstrated his love in their lives. As the team offered prayer, Dan felt he received a word for Anna. ‘God sees you, even if everyone else in your life makes you feel overlooked. She teared up as I shared this and asked me to pray with her.’
The next night, Anna came along to the gig and responded to the gospel! ‘She passed me a note explaining how her parents had recently divorced and she felt completely alone, isolated from her family and friends. But after we prayed for her, she began to thank God for everything in her life and felt personally connected to God for the very first time. It was a great privilege to then share with Anna how she was loved and adopted into God’s family’. Anna told Dan that she was now going to go along to church and find support from within that community.
*name has been changed